Thursday, January 15, 2009

15 January 2009 - Mood - Stable

It was snowing pretty heavily when I woke this a.m. But it's only 10:30 a.m now and it has stopped already.. amounting to not much .. maybe 1/2 inch ..if that much.

I still haven't checked to see if I have this blog set up as totally private or not, but in the event that it is accessible to others, I hope that anyone viewing it takes a moment to scroll down to the bottom where I have selected two different pictures, that change daily to appear. One is America's natural beauty ...the outdoors. The other is photo's taken by Ansel Adams.. well known for his landscape photographs done in black and white. Today's was really nice. It's of El Capitan, which is a centerpiece of sorts in Yosemite Nat'l Park. I saw it when visiting Yosemite on my honeymoon back in 1984. It was gorgeous as was the entire park. I so love national parks.. love them love them love them and wish i had money sometimes.. so that I could have exposed my kids to the beauty in different parts of the US when they were growing up .. or even have some money now so that I could do the retirement type thing some day and travel to whichever parts of the country i wanted to.. and visit many of the National parks and other things that I have yet to see. I always made had this fun sort of goal for myself.. which was to be sure to visit every state in our country in my lifetime. I realized it was unlikely so didn't make it a serious goal (i'm not real goal oriented as it is.. i suck at goals) --- <--- one of my greatest weaknesses i believe.
Anyway... for now that is all. Just saw El Capitan and wanted to comment on it before i forgot. I have no memory. seriously.. i dont.

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