Thursday, January 1, 2009

01 January 2009 -- Mood: Pretty Good

Happy new year . ha! Every year about three weeks into the year Terry and I will be on the phone talking about how we thought maybe things would be better this year as we are discussing some bad news we have already heard about a friend, acquaintence or something in the news. Yeah.. so I'm happy i've survived another year, and I dare to risk feeling hopeful that this year might be better then the previous several.

Funny... after i wrote my first posting on this site, Lizzie said to me .. in a very nice way, how it was cute how I wrote about how my blog was simply going to be my diary/journal instead of some of the other people's that i read that are like, written "for" and "at" others, etc..etc.. She said how I ended up saying i wasn't doing that while doing that the entire time. I re-read it, and she was right but I figure, this is basically how i write in my diaries anyway so it doesn't matter and at least i'm not worried about grammar ... or sounding witty and all that shit.

So.. new years' eve 2008/2009: probably one of the strangest new years eve's I've ever had. I don't care about going out anymore for nye.. and haven't in ages. Actually i was rather looking forward to hanging home (this isn't my home.. but whatever).. alone with some little app's and maybe watching a movie or the dvd series that the kids got me for Xmas. Instead.. Nancy stayed in, which she rarely does on NYE, and .. this was really the oddest.. the girls stayed in and fell asleep.. IN BED at like 7 p.m. Lizzie woke around 4 a.m. but Mer slept till noonish today. Amazing. The weather last nite and yesterday was God awful. Major league winds and gusts .. ice snow and freezing temps. Ick. And somehow I ended up running around from 10 a.m. till like 3 or so at the laundromat and grocery store.. all to prep for NYE. What a goof! I mean like.. none of it needed to be done in that shit ass weather as it turned out. I went to the laundromat primarily b/c Lizzie was supposed to be going to some party in New Brunswick w/Fran and Nick and she didnt have any clean clothes .. so figured she'd be all upset/pissed if she didnt have anything to wear. As far as the grocery store.. mostly I bought things to snack on for last nite.
Anyway.. it was stuff that needed to be done eventually .. mostly the laundry .. so at least some of it's done ( i didnt bring all of the dirty clothes) would have been there forever. but we deff didn't need to buy all that snack type food. Waste. Pure waste.
sooo... anyway... as the kids snoozed away Nancy and I sat around in the LR .. her on the comp.. me trying to find something good to watch on tv.. .. which .. oh my... talk about terrible shit on tv!!! I mean ... marathons of Dog the Bounty Hunter all day and nite?? Which incidentally was the best thing i could find to watch. So i got bored after two episodes of Dog and called Peggy. Nancy promptly left the room with a book or something and retreated to her br. Guess she didnt wanna talk to Peg.. ( ha , ya think?). I enjoyed my convo w/ Peggy.. although she did do nothing but bitch about her live-in boyfriend, Michael Jackson. How lazy he is, how he'll never amount to anything, oh.. hell.. i'm not repeating it on here or in my mind. Although.. i can pretty much see what she means. He was also sort of kind of pretty rude when I called. I mean.. this guy has been living w/ my sister, she's been more or less supporting him and spoiling his daughter (she doesnt bother much w/his son so it seems).. for like 3 or more years now... you'd think he could say hello and ask me how i am or say happy new year right? Jeez...anyway.. whateever.. dont feel like droning on about that. Other then the remind myself and say how when Unk met him.. Michael Jackson i mean... he said right off that he did not like the guy at all.. thought he was just using Peg and didn't trust him one bit. My uncle never comes out with things like that so intensely or without being asked what he thinks.. so it was a bit surprising to hear him have such a strong opinion after meeting someone only once. It hadn't occured to me that MJ was a user .. he seemed initially to really be in love with Peg. I dunno.. who knows.. but a 90 year old man, i feel, no.. i know.. when it comes to Unk anyway.. would know the deal when it comes to other men and what their motives are.

K.. well.. i like having this blog to write on. I could do it in an actual journal.. and love journals.. however, my hands would hurt from all this writing and all. Now all i have to do is attempt to remember to write in it daily or near daily like i have always tried to do with my actual diaries/journals.

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