Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mood: fairly good

This is the first blog I've ever set up or written in. I don't know anything about this stuff. It's amazing how fast technology changed (i know that's soo cliche).. but it's the truth. I used to be online like ALL the time back in the early to mid 00's. All it takes is a year or two away from the computer and there are a million things that are different. When I used to be online constantly, there weren't "blogs". My daughter literally had to explain to me what exactly a Blog was!! It's totally embarrassing... but it has happened. I have turned into one of those older ladies' who are clueless as to what you can do with and on a computer. To my credit, I am not one of them that is afraid of the computer. No... instead I will simply try things and end up screwing it all up. (including trying to do my settings for this blog!)

I wonder too, do people actually just look around on here and read strangers' blogs for the hell of it? That sounds sort of boring to me, which is why I do not expect to have any comments on mine. I'm viewing this as diary. A journal. That's it. I know people whose blogs are more like... how do it say it...umm.. well, they are written FOR whoever reads them, even the strangers that may come across them. What I mean by that is: they are writing "to" the world.. writing for and at people. Yes, they write about what's on their minds.. about their lives but the way they write is clearly not diary style. They write with as much proper grammar, "big words" (lol).. and humor as they can think up. I find myself thinking, when reading their posts: Damn, they must have spent more time trying to make this appealing to the outside world then they do thinking about what's really on their minds. Clearly these people are trying to impress their readers. Maybe they view themselves as authors?(Only they can't seem to get published?) So they write that way on here instead and pretend that they are professionals. It feeds their egos i guess. Weird, ya know?

S0... some of the reasons this entry is so very long: A.- I always write really long emails .. I talk too much too. Drives everyone crazy I'm sure of it. B.- This is my first posting so of course it's going to be longer then other's!! and C.- Since I have chosen to view this as my diary/journal of course I'm going to write as long and as much as I feel like. That's how diary's always are! And.. by the way.. I'm not here to impress anyone (did i already say that?).. like the people i described in the last paragraph who probably pull up a thesaurus and dictionary the entire time they're writing an entry! HA! I just had a visual on that and it cracked me up! lolol Well, my daughter just woke up .. yes, it's nearly 4 p.m. so off I go to walk the dog and clean the bedroom. I'm excited because my youngest daughter is coming in tonight from college for the Christmas break!! Yay!!!! Her bus will arrive at the Port Authority at 10ish tonight and then we'll go in and get her. Usually the first night she arrives home from college (which isn't all that often).. she and I will end up staying up real late just talking. We don't mean to.. it just happens and we both (well I know I do, and think she does) enjoy that time together very much. I don't know, but hope we get a chance to talk tonite.

I hope to write less at other times on here.. and also type with more depth to it as well. But then, that's what diary's are like.. ya know? Later ... Scar

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